Whats New in WHMCS 8.7

Here are the key updates in WHMCS 8.7: Market Connect Products 360 Monitoring for your customer’s websites: You can now offer your customers Website & Server Monitoring through 360 Monitoring via MarketConnect. This feature includes advanced internal and external system monitoring, customizable dashboards, personalized alerts, and seamless integration with top database and server technologies. Instant […]

WHMCS releases first maintenance for WHMCS 8.6

WHMCS 8.6 was released on 3rd November 2022, with many new features we were waiting for. On 30th November, its first maintenance was released. WHMCS 8.6.1 was, with 21 core and 5 module fixes. Sign up for our newsletter for the latest on WHMCS, WHM, Cpanel, and other hosting CMS-related news.

Let Us Compare Reseller Hosting and Web Hosting Affiliated Programs!

Every web development company or freelancer web developer is looking for ways to increase the revenue while helping their clients at the same time. For many people, it is hard to manage web servers, especially if they do not belong to a technical background. So many web hosting companies offer their services to fix these […]

Starting a Web Hosting Business with WHMPress

In this article, I’ll explain how to use WHMPress to build a web hosting service. You’ll see how big the web hosting business is and how to reach out to potential consumers. You can start this business with a small investment and no prior knowledge of the system by hiring a hosting reseller. Please look […]

What’s In WHMCS Newest Version 8.5

In layman’s terms, it’s a WHM (Web Host Manager) program that assists users in billing and running their hosting businesses. Although the latest version 8.5 is still in beta, these are some of the new features that will be included. Client Area Home Page SSO: Clients can now access their active services, such as cPanel […]

What is Nulled WHMCS License & Why not to Go With it?

Nowadays, everyone needs premium software and tools to run their businesses better in this digital world, but some users don’t want to bear the software license cost. And they try to get it through off-the-road techniques, such as buying Nulled WHMCS or a Shared WHMCS license (a fancy version for the former). People also try to […]

Nulled WHMPress – Warning to WebHosting Startups

Recently we were contacted by a few Web hosts who sought help for a Nulled WHMPress, where they downloaded files free. And some other Webhosting startups paid a small fee and downloaded a Nulled WHMPress version. And what they believed were valid original files, a valid shared license, or a GPL license. Well, infect they […]

Deploy WordPress during order with new in WHMCS 8.4

Five more enhancements are released with WHMCS 8.4, and almost all the features announced are welcomed by web hosts. Especially improvements in WordPress checkouts. Let us review the new features in WHMCS 8.4. Quick checkouts for your customers is you sell WordPress hosting (and I would say for sure almost all the web hosts offer […]

Adopt Upselling and Cross-selling to Maximize your Web Hosting Business

Table of Contents Both upselling and cross-selling are effective strategies to target existing or potential clients to convince them to spend more money than they intended. Let’s understand both of the sales concepts with examples to understand the actual difference between them. Upselling In the Upselling, sellers encourage the buyers to move from free to […]

What’s new in WHMCS v.8.3.2

What’s new in WHMCS v.8.3.2 WHMCS ver.8.3.2 is released with some long-awaited features. Improved Email Reply There is a major improvement in how emails and attachments are imported into the ticketing system. The WHMCS support module is more than ever before. You can see new changes under General Settings. Plesk Usage Statistics Like cPanel server […]